A Jew and an Arab Selling Their Houses in Upper Nazareth, Israel

Short link to this story: https://www.quimka.net/43886

Unknown 19.04.2009 21:46
A Jew and an Arab Selling Their Houses in Upper Nazareth, Israel


A non-political, non-racial, story about Jewish-Arab peaceful coexistence

Two friends, an Arab and a Jew, had decided to build their (identical) houses adjacent to each other in Upper Nazareth.


Some years later they had published (separately, but coordinated with each other) ads “for sale”, just for checking the value of their assets.


The best price that the Jew could get was $200,000;


The best price that the Arab could get was $300,000.


The Jew asked his Arab friend how come.


The Arab answered: you sell a house with an Arab neighbour, and I sell a house with a Jewish neighbour!




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