Falsifying of Criminal Charges Against Politicians in Israel

“I helped her to organize her thoughts”
Israel is a democracy. Sure.
In Israel, like in any other democracy, freedom of speech is absolute. You may criticize and scrutinize every official authority – from the president of state down to the last clerk … except …
Except the judges.
As a member of the government you may lead reforms, but not in the judiciary, even if you are the minister of justice.
How do they persecute their opponents?
Prof. Yaakov Ne’eman, a well-known lawyer and law professor, was appointed minister of justice in 1996, but a few weeks later he had to resign, because the Attorney General decided to open a police investigation against him. A year later he was acquitted (nowadays he is again minister of justice). Ex chief of general staff, Lt. General (ret.) Raphael (“Rafful”) Eitan was also charged for nothing, in order to bar him from nomination as minister of police. He was acquitted. Knesset (the Israeli parliament) member Reuven (“Rubbi”) Rivlin had for several years an “open” police investigations which led to nothing, but barred him from appointment as minister of justice. Later he became the speaker of the Knesset, and nowadays he is again the Knesset speaker.
The last case of false accusation was again against a minister of justice: Chaim Ramon, who planned reforms in the judiciary which the judiciary didn’t like.
Ramon was accused of … kissing a soldier-girl, against her free will. How “against her will” we can learn from this picture:
which was taken in HER camera, on HER initiative, AFTER the kiss. Moreover, she asked him, AFTER the kiss too, to join her for a trip to South America, after her impending release from the army service.
Now, if it is not enough, the girl did not complain – and did not want to complain – against Ramon, but she was “convinced” to do so by (police)
Brigadier General Miri Golan, the head of the National Fraud Investigation Unit, and her military commander, Maj. General Gadi Shamni, who said that he “helped her to organize her thoughts”. Not less!
But this also was not enough, and later, the Israeli Police sent an expedition of police investigators from Israel to South America, to accomplish the “investigation”.
Have the Israeli police so many resources for investigation of such “crimes”? No, they have not, and as a general practice they close such files without any investigation, just for “lack of public interest”.
But in this case the police and the AG wanted to give the head of the minister of justice, Chaim Ramon, as a present to the then new president of the Supreme Court, Justice Dorit Beinish.
What happened in the Ramon trial, is a subject for another article.
The author’s mail: quimka@quimka.com
The author’s websites (Hebrew): www.quimka.net, www.quimka.com.