שני מכתבים קצרים נוספים
שני מכתבים קצרים נוספים
שגרירות ארה”ב בתל-אביב, הגיבה ברוב אדיבותה על מכתבי, שאותו איש לא קרא. ב”שטאנץ” שנשלח לכל מי שפנו לבוש בעת ביקורו בארץ, לשחרר את פולארד, מתחזים אנשי השגרירות כמי שקראו את המכתבים ועונים “עניינית”. על פי מכתב זה ניתן לקבוע בבטחון, ש”ישראל” היא שמסרה את פולארד, וכי לשתיהן, ל”ישראל” ולארה”ב יש אינטרס משותף שלא לשחררו לעולם.
כ”ז בשבט, התשס”ח JERUSALEM
3 בפברואר, 2008
Mr. G. Moreno
Deputy Chief of
You have not read my letter, so you can not “appreciate my concerns”!
All those good people who wrote Bush begging for the release of Mr. Pollard, truly believed that their letters would be honoured by some attention. They don’t know whom they have to deal with.
I, for myself, did not ask anything of you! Had you read my letter, you would not thank me for it, as you did.
Bush and the “Government of Israel” are one of a kind – criminals against the Jewish people and against humanity. Those Israelis concerned about Jonathan Pollard don’t need you to tell them that Israeli Government is treacherous and inhuman. Some of us know it for a very long time now; in fact, we know that their kind gave birth to secular “Zionism”. It is a bunch of rogues!! Like the
“Israeli” leaders are known for their feeding the best there are to the dogs!
Your government had not only backed out of its political commitments but has also backed out of human and initial moral obligations. Pollard tried to save American face and Jewish lives; he took upon himself to be the conscience of
I repeat my prayer of my first letter – G-d curse
Hanna Eisenmann, Mrs.