זה יעדנו: משרד המשפטים וזכויות האזרח!
צעד נוסף בדרכי – דרכנו – אל היעד: צדק לכל, צדק שווה לכל נפש
שמחה ניר, עו”ד
אתר גרוניס.קום, אתר חופש-הביטוי
“משוב העם”, לזכרו של אשר יגורתי גרוניס, טרוריסט פסיקת ה”הוצאות”
הצטרפו לקבוצת הפייסבוק
“נציב תלונות הציבור על שופטים ורשמים – זה אנחנו!”
בן 75 שנים אנוכי, ועוד כוחי במתני!
“לייק” לדף הפייסבוק עו”ד שמחה ניר – שר המשפטים הבא
המאמר ה-4,000 באתר: לו אני שר המשפטים
ההכרזה הרשמית שלי על ריצתי לתפקיד שר המשפטים
בג”ץ 8743/14, שמחה ניר, עו”ד, נ’ הוועדה לבחירת שופטים ו-7 אחרים – קיצור תולדות הזמן
הקדמה: האגדה האורבנית על קצין משמר הגבול המבקש קידום
באגדה הזאת – שאני לא מאמין בנכונותה – נתקלתי לפני שנים רבות, ולא הצלחתי למצוא לה כל שריד
האגדה הזאת מספרת על קצין שהתחיל לנדנד על קידום, ולא יכלו לתת לו – אולי מהעדר תקן מתאים, ואולי משום שהוא לא היה בשל לקידום.
מה עשו מפקדיו? הוסיפו לו עוד אנטנה לג’יפ …
באחד הבנקים מספר הפלואורסצנטים על התקרה בחדרו של פקיד מעיד על הסטאטוס שלו.
אביזרי ה”אבו-עלי” לא חייבים להיות פיזיים, הם יכולים להיות גם תארים ריקים-מתוכן.
כך, למשל, כל דובר ממשלתי המכבד את עצמו נעשה היום “יועץ תקשורת”, למרות שהם ממשיכים לדקלם את אותם הקשקושים, בלי להבין שכיום התקשורת כבר לא קונה חתולים בשק.
היה פעם במשרד התחבורה דובר ששימש בתפקידו שנים רבות, יחיאל אמיתי, והוא לא הסתפק אפילו בתואר “יועץ תקשורת”, והוא סידר לעצמו תואר “סמנכ”ל”, ואחר כך “סמנכ”ל בכיר להסברה, יועץ תקשורת ודובר המשרד” – תראים שנועדו לא רק להגביר את הרושם, אלא גם להעלות את המשכורת.
היום, בלשכת שר התחבורה, ישנן רק מעיין שריג, “יועצת תקשורת”, וזינה רויטמן, “יועצת התקשורת למגזר הרוסי”, ולא שמענו על מכרז חדש לתפקיד “סמנכ”ל בכיר להסברה, יועץ תקשורת ודובר המשרד”.
ואם כבר דיברנו על משרד התחבורה, גם השר הנוכחי, ישראל כץ, לא טמן ידו בצלחת, והוא, נאמן לאופנה שלא הוא המציא, “שידרג” את שם המשרד ל“משרד התחבורה והבטיחות בדרכים”, וכתוצאה נגררת הוא נעשה גם “שר התחבורה והבטיחות בדרכים”.
האם נוספה למשרד הזה פונקציה חדשה? האם לפני כן משרד התחבורה, והשר העומד בראשו, לא עסקו בענייני הבטיחות בדרכים? כן, שמענו הרבה שטויות ברמה הזאת.
לשם מה הבאתי את ההקדמה הזאת?
כדי להדוף את הטענה שבהציעי לשדרג את משרד המשפטים ל”משרד המשפטים וזכויות האזרח”, גם אני רוצה להתהדר בתואר רב-רושם, שאין מאחוריו ולא כלום.
כדי להראות שאני, אם אגיע ללשכת השר במשרד הזה, אחולל שינוי מהפכני.
וכדי למנוע לזות-שפתיים אומר כי אם יפצלו את המשרד, וישאירו לי רק את זכויות האזרח, לא יהיה מאושר ממני, ללמדך שלא את השררה – תפקיד “ביצועי” המאפשר מינויים פוליטיים ושאר מנעמי-שלטון – מבקש אני, אלא את העבדות, את השירות לציבור, את הגשמת מפעל-חיי בן 50 השנים.
אבל לפני שאפרט מה אעשה בתחום זכויות האזרח, אתן תזכורת קצרה.
ככה זה התחיל
את הרעיון הזה העלה לראשונה ידידי עו”ד אמיר לירן.
הדבר היה בחודש ספטמבר 2008. כאשר נשיא המדינה, שמעון פרס, הטיל על חברת הכנסת ציפי לבני, אז שרת החוץ, להרכיב ממשלה, פנה עו”ד לירן אל לבני בקריאה למנות אותי כשר המשפטים בממשלה שהיא עומדת להקים. בסופו של דבר ציפי לבני לא הצליחה להרכיב ממשלה, הכנסת ה-17 התפזרה, ובמקום לקבל את שמחה ניר כשר המשפטים העם היושב בציון קיבל את יעקב נאמן-לעצמו, גורר-הרגליים הלאומי – שר המשפטים הגרוע ביותר שהיה לישראל מאז פרוץ המדינה.
ביום 19.10.2012 פרסמתי את המאמר ה-4,000 באתר: לו אני שר המשפטים, ובו שטחתי את משנתי הסדורה, בעשרים ראשי פרקים, שהראשון בהם פירט מה אעשה ביומי הראשון בלשכת השר, וביום 4.9.2013 יצאתי בהכרזה רשמית: אני, עו”ד שמחה ניר, שר המשפטים הבא!
קראו את המאמר ואת ההכרזה, ראו מה אני מציע, ואם יש לכם מועמד טוב יותר – גם לציבור הרחב, גם לשופטים, וגם לעורכי-הדין – אני מזמין אותו להתמודדות על התפקיד הזה.
וכעת לחידוש שאני מציע.
“משרד המשפטים וזכויות האזרח”, על שום מה?
קחו, למשל, את מחלקת בג”ץ בפרקליטות המדינה, המייצגת בפני הבג”ץ את “המדינה”, קרי: את משרדי הממשלה ושאר זרועות השלטון.
כיום המחלקה הזאת מחליטה מהי “עמדת המדינה” בכל עניין בו המדינה נדרשת להשיב בבג”ץ, והמטרה העליונה של המחלקה הזאת היא להשיג “ניצחון ליטיגאנטי” בכל תיק ותיק.
כדי להשיג את הניצחון הזה, הם לא יבחלו בשום שקר, הם יכתיבו למשרד הממשלתי מהי “עמדתו”, הם יערכו את התצהירים בשם המשיבים, הם ידאגו שהמצהירים מטעם המשיבים יהיו כאלה שבהם להם מושג בנושא עליו הם מצהירים, ולכן הם יערכו תצהירים לפיהם החותם עליהם מצהיר רק “לפי מיטב ידיעתו”.
ובבנייני השקרים שלהם הם גם מנצלים לרעה – וללא בושה – את העובדה שהבג”ץ לא נותן לעותרים לחקור את המצהירים מטעם המשיבים.
אה, כן … עיקר שכחתי: מה עם העמדה לדין על עדות-שקר, או על הדחה לעדות-שקר? ומה עם הליכי משמעת בלשכת עורכי הדין, על כל ה”רקיחות” האלה?
אז לא נהיה תמימים: מי שמגיש אישומים פליליים הוא הפרקליטות, ואיך היא תגיש אישומים כאלה כנגד עצמה? ובאשר להליכים משמעתיים – האם נעלמה מעיניכם העובדה שהיועץ המשפטי רשאי, על פי החוק, לעכב הליכי משמעת כנגד עו”ד שהם עובדי מדינה, ומשתוללים במסגרת תפקידם?
ראינו את כל התופעות האלה בימים ההם: המרמים את בית המשפט בשם המדינה, וראינו אותן גם בזמן הזה, כאשר פרקליטי המדינה ניסו להכתיב למצהיר, הד”ר חן קוגל, מה בדיוק תהייה ה”אמת” שהוא יצהיר עליה, והיועץ המשפטי לממשלה, יהודה ויינשטיין, תמך בשקרנים האלה, והנחה את מייצגי המדינה בערכאות “להמשיך לנהוג כפי שנהגו עד כה: היינו מייצגי המדינה בערכאות מטעם היועץ המשפטי לממשלה ימשיכו להציג בפני הערכאות השיפוטיות – בין בכתבי בית דין ובין בתצהירים המוגשים על ידם, עמדה משפטית אחת, היא עמדת היועץ המשפטי לממשלה ונציגיו. אין להציג לבית המשפט עמדות של מיוצג אשר אינן עולות בקנה אחד עם העמדה המשפטית של היועץ המשפטי לממשלה ונציגיו”.
מה זה “היועץ המשפטי לממשלה ונציגיו”? זה יכול היות גם “עוזר לפרקליט המדינה”, הדרגה הנמוכה ביותר בפרקליטות, ולפעמים זה יכול להיות גם מתמחה, אשר מחזיק בכיסו מינוי של “נציב היועץ המשפטי לממשלה” (גם אני הייתי פעם כזה).
ומה תהייה “עמדתך המדינה” כאשר למשיבים עצמם יש אינטרסים מנוגדים (למשל: כאשר האוצר רוצה להרחיב את חוג עבירות-הקנס, ואילו משרדי המשפטים, התחבורה ובטחון הפנים, דורשים בדיוק את ההיפך?
ואיך יוכל ה”נציג” לייצג את עמדת האוצר, כאשר היא מנוגדת לעמדת משרד המשפטים, שם הוא עובד?!
אחת הדרכים היא לגרור רגליים: הקימונו ועדה, אנחנו מגבשים פתרון, אנחנו, ואנחנו, ואנחנו … ואנו מבקשים מכבוד בית המשפט אורכה של שלושה חודשים …
ואחר כך עוד ארכה, ועוד ארכה, והשנים נוקפות, עד שיום אחד ה”נציג” זורק לעותרים עצם יבשה, והבג”ץ, כדרכם של גנבים-בליילה, מוציא פסק-דין: “לנוכח הודעת המדינה, העתירה מתייתרת”.
אנחנו מכירים את זה “עוד מקפריסין”: אשר יגורתי (ל”ח): גרוניס והפרקליטה שוש שמואלי משתגלים שלוש שנים, ובסוף הם מוכרחים לגמור.
אני, כשר המשפטים וזכויות האזרח, אשים לזה סוף!
ראשית הכל – המשיבים בבג”ץ ייוצגו ע”י המחלקות המשפטיות שלהם. בשביל מה יש בכל משרד ממשלתי מחלקה משפטית, אשר בראשה עומד היועץ המשפטי של המשרד, ומתחתיו שלל סגנים, “ממונים”, “ראשי תחומים”, עוזרים “ראשיים” ועוזרים “רגילים”?
אז שכל אלה ייצגו את משרדיהם-הם, ויגנו על מה שהם “רוקחים” – אולי זה מה שיביא אותם לרסן את הפקידים שאומרים לאזרח “לא”, “אין לי”, “אני לא יכול, לא מוסמך, לא רשאי”, “אין לי מה להוסיף” – לפני שהוא, האזרח, אפילו פותח את הפה.
ומה נעשה עם מחלקת בג”ץ, עליה דיברנו לעיל?
אל דאגה, היא לא תפורק, היא רק תצטרך “להחליף שבב”. היא תגן על האזרחים העותרים לבג”ץ. היא תשתדל להשיג עבור העותר את מבוקשו בלי להטריח את בית המשפט, אבל אם זה לא יעזור – היא תתייצב לימינו בבית המשפט, ואותם הפרקליטים שעד כה השביעו את להט ההתנצחות ויצר הניצחון המשפטי בהגנה על השררה אטומת-הלב, יפנו עכשיו את מרצם ואם כשרונם להגנתו של האזרח – הוא אשר במסיו מממן את משכורתם.
ואם לא די בכך, אם המשיבים, פרקליטיהם ומצהיריהם, ינסו להלעיט את בית המשפט בשקרים – מחלקת בג”ץ תדאג לכך שהם יתנו את הדין על השקרים שלהם.
משרד המשפטים וזכויות האזרח, מנה ראשונה.
תזכורת על חלקכם בנושא
אדם אחד לא יכול להרים משא כבד כזה לבדו. אני לבדי – בוודאי שלא.
אני איש של רעיונות, אני איש של ניסיון מקצועי בשדה המשפט, אני סוס-קרבות ותיק ומשופשף, אני לחמתי והקרבתי הרבה למען העקרונות שלי, אני אדם שמשנאיו ומבקשי-נפשו, שופטי ביהמ”ש העליון, אמרו עליו שהוא “אדם מבוגר, המאמין בצדקת דרכו, פועל בכל נימי נפשו לקידום המטרה לתועלת הציבור ולא לתועלתו האישית”.
אני מציע את עצמי לתפקיד שר המשפטים וזכויות האזרח כדי לשנות את הקיים, לקבוע מדיניות חדשה, אבל אני לא מנכ”ל, ואני לא יודע לנהל קמפיינים.
את זה אני משאיר לכם, הקוראים, וכמו שאמרה-שאלה רחל המשוררת:
בְּטֶרֶם אָתָא הַלֵּיל – בּוֹאוּ, בּוֹאוּ הַכֹּל!
מַאֲמָץ מְאֻחָד, עַקְשָׁנִי וָעֵר
שֶׁל אֶלֶף זְרוֹעוֹת. הַאֻמְנָם יִבָּצֵר לָגֹל
אֶת הָאֶבֶן מִפִּי הַבְּאֵר?
למשתמשי פייסבוק, טוויטר ושאר הרשתות החברתיות – נא לשתף!
נא להגיב באמצעות הקישור “הוספת תגובה” (למטה מכאן)
אל תאמרו “מבחן בוזגלו” – אמרו “מבחן אלישבע”*לסגור את לשכת עורכי הדין*לדף הפייסבוק של עו”ד שמחה ניר*לדף הפייסבוק של האתר של קימקא
דוקודרמה: זרוק אותו לאיראנים – איך נפטרנו מאשר גרוניס
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JobInventory is a job search engine and permits employers to post jobs for totally free.
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With over eight million job listings, ZipRecruiter also offers helpful characteristics for your job search.
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Qualified candidates with disabilities post resumes and apply for jobs.
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It delivers pages upon pages of tips related to recruiting, career management, and employment searches.
If you modify your mind at any time, and no longer wish to obtain SMS messages, reply to a message with the word “OPTOUT” in all capital letters.
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We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this facts.
Explore how the job search engines on a variety of job boards operate.
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Suggestions add social proof to your profile – they show that your coworkers and peers assume highly of your expertise.
LinkedIn also gives expertise assessments and if you score a 30% or improved, you get a badge for your profile web page.
Millennials have demonstrated time and again they care more about culture than compensation.
Charlette has more than ten years of experience in accounting and finance and two years of partnering with HR leaders on freelance projects.
• Google for Jobs — Never underestimate the energy of Google.
Track contacts, notes, dates, tasks, job descriptions, salaries, areas, organization data and more.
Customers can’t search for jobs in many cities in a single location.
Like other internet sites, ZipRecruiter also integrates with other job boardslike Resume.com and Salary.com and acts as a feeder to them.
Clicking “Apply” will send you to the external web page searching for applicants.
Niche job aggregators are extra focused, therefore less competitive.
Initially, you can search applying the preferred job title, organization, skill, or location.
The minimum quantity of months of encounter that are essential for the job posting.
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Acquiring journalism openings on general job boards can be tricky.
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By sheer virtue of its size, you’d be remiss if you didn’t include Facebook in your job search plans.
Most job search engines allow you to set up a profile at no cost.
It is renowned for databases on every type of grant, grant giver, and who has provided to whom and for what.
When posting a job on LinkedIn, you will be charged primarily based on your every day budget and the number of job posting views from candidates.
The Apple Retailer is a retail atmosphere like no other — uniquely focused on delivering awesome customer experiences.
With Glassdoor, you can do extra than just post a job listing.
Regional, National, and regional web-sites are listed beneath to help in your job search.
For example, resumes posted on this web-site can flow to larger job boards like Simply Hired and other folks.
This contains falsely implying affiliation with, or endorsement by, an additional individual or organization.
Simply head to their web-site and then click on “Post a job.”
When it comes to basic job searching, Monster, Careerbuilder, and Indeed undoubtedly run the game.
Like Upwork, Toptal emphasizes outsourcing operate to contract or freelance workers.
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Candidates are not paying to sponsor their resume, you’re paying to sponsor your job listings.
This stage also enables each parties to be introduced to one particular a further if there’s mutual interest.
This section is also situated in the left column, down the page beneath Education.
Looper got the possibility to speak with Kohli at the premiere of “Next Exit” at the 2022 Tribeca Festival.
We share private information with other parties for the purposes stated herein or as needed by law.
K12JobSpot is a job search engine for those looking for jobs in grade schools.
The excellent candidate will have expertise navigating discussions associated to equity, which includes racial equity.
We found Career Builder’s job search engine to be incredibly user-friendly and quick to use.
This report is a best location to track the status of your listing optimization efforts.
Ladders provide employers numerous sources with every job posting such as analytics.
Candidates can search by job title and place, salary range, date posted, and experience level.
LinkUp tends to make the list of most effective job search engines by adding a great anti-spam twist.
There’s also the Job Widget, which lets you embed your job listings onto your website.
The 15 job search engines below target particular careers and distinctive forms of jobs.
Underneath your function experience and education are further spaces to show off your background and qualifications.
Brand new nursing college graduates must search CampusRN for jobs that are hiring new grads.
So, the simplicity of this headline instance endows it with a exclusive energy of its personal.
The internet site has a keyword search function, but there’s an extensive directory search as nicely.
It employed to be 1 of the premier platforms that provide internships to students primarily based on their interests.
It permits you to browse jobs, manage job applications on the go, obtain job alerts promptly, and more.
Dribbble is a excellent web-site for designers to locate their subsequent gig.
The quantity of jobs isn’t large, but quite pick and enticing.
Job postings on behalf of an organization or firm without the need of authorization.
LinkedIn permits customers to search for jobs by firm, keyword, place and job title.
For instance, let’s assume that in the job form you have a field “Skills” (and named “skills”).
The sectors that have lagged the farthest behind pre-pandemic hiring levels are leisure and hospitality and education and health, according to state information.
Amit Gawande is a Co-Founder of CVViZ, an AI recruiting computer software.
Ladders is a job board web page exclusively for salaries of $100k and up.
Engineering.com is a publisher, discussion type, and job board all in 1.
A network of business enterprise & tech podcasts designed to accelerate finding out.
Additionally, you can submit a hiring request for immediate stick to-up.
Brian Carter is a bestselling author, keynote speaker, and digital agency CEO with clientele like NBC, Microsoft, Dramamine and PrideStaff who delivers motivation, custom humor and practical takeaways.
Meanwhile, employers seeking to post jobs right here will need to pony up really a bit.
You can pause your studying or finish your subscription at any time.
Search for jobs on LinkedIn and see who is connected to them.
Search Remotelyis a well-identified site for remote job listings.
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You just need to have to structure the underlying HTML of your job postings so that they can be indexed by Google for Jobs.
Dice is one of the few job boards branded completely for tech jobs.
See our lists of free of charge job posting web sites in Canada, the U.K., and Australia.
This service aims to drive genuine job seekers straight to real jobs with actual employers.
In addition, employers can send their ZipRecruiter job to designated Facebook and Twitter accounts, which supplies even far more exposure.
LinkedIn Premium shows you specifically who could be interested in you as a experienced.
If you’re searching for a job in finance, there’s certainly space for optimism these days.
Use your headline to share your key objective if it tends to make sense and add all of your abilities to your page.
Free of charge resources for job seekers include things like a resume builder tool.
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When you use a job slot to post a job, that job is reside for 30 days – when it expires, you can repost it in an obtainable job slot.
The platform tends to make money by charging employers a month-to-month price for posting a job, starting at $199 per post.
Once a company’s job description has expired or is taken down, you may perhaps not be able to see it.
Facebook is the second most common social network for recruiters.
I applied for several jobs prior to and after utilizing this platform.
Nonetheless, we’ve compiled a list of more great job search apps and tools below.
Kind the name of an sector, and click on any suitable match that LinkedIn delivers.
Create a note to recruiters and choose particular job titles, industries and areas that match what you’re looking for.
That is so broad of a number he more transparent with what your willing to spend.
Google will want to put you by way of your paces and test your technical ability.
SimplyHired was launched in USA in 2005 to make the job search even a far better practical experience.
Indeed is a huge job web-site, so it caters to each and every kind of job seeker.
When there aren’t jobs matching your terms straight, they will at least show a lot more relevant options than most.
She also led AIR Louisville, a three-year digital health project focused on asthma.
There are a lot of filters you can pick from to discover positions best for you.
There are even job boards committed to particular kinds of function, like remote jobs.
The new app hopes to connect hiring managers and job applicants in an informal setting.
Federal investigators stated Printz approached Edna Suttles, 80, from South Carolina, at a grocery retailer.
Organizations also post for cost-free and only pay when they make a employ.
Monster also has loads of blue-collar listings, also – it is not just about white-collar work.
Inside of the Additional Facts section, you’ll see a small location labeled Honors and Awards.
Highlight your essential capabilities, experiences, and achievements in paragraph type or a bulleted list.
Desires a bachelor’s degree, bilingual in English and Spanish and three to five years’ encounter managing digital teams.
Mention all the relevant skills necessary and the expiry of the job post.
They boost infrastructure, deliver vital social solutions, and make the city safer.
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2014 more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln issued it, and Chicago-space
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Football teams often become legends. Players dream to
put on uniforms of their favorite squad. Number of fans growing constantly.
Leading teams support in region of presence and in other countries.
Games collect millions of TV viewers. Let’s meet legendary clubs
from different regions of the planet.
Old Lady
“Old Signora” .
Must report another fact. In the early 1990s Manchester United founded the APL.
Most successful period came job Alex Ferguson. Team
managed to win different famous titles. While about the past glory remains only dreaming.
But Manchester United still could show good play.
Composition first time originated in early last century.
During time existence “Star of the South” won nickname most famous
club Germany . Total about 60 major awards.
Currently fame came 2012. Club demonstrated good game.
Star of the South strengthened in the first positions in the Bundesliga.
Football players managed achieve excellent results at continental tournaments.
Club often supported other teams and ordinary people.
Often Star of the South supported Munich 1860. Management
performed various methods support:
• profitable transfers;
• free matches;
• direct financing.
Now aid works addressed. Team strives transfer
funds people in need.
List of the best football clubs planet be stripped down without Galacticos.
FIFA recognized this squad as the leader of football of the last century.
The team won 65 titles in national tournaments. To the list get
add 34 first places in the La Liga. Such results of competitors does
not exist.
“Real Madrid” appeared in beginning of the last century.
Through 18 years of existence team assigned title royal.
Leading positions in Spanish football roster began to
take over from the beginning. Achieve this succeeded thanks to several
reasons. The team is renowned for its comprehensive approach to training.
Mentors try to focus on several factors:
1. Physical condition of athletes.
2. The procedure for selecting players for the team.
3. Tactics of action.
Meticulous preparation allows creamy win championships. About the pluses of the of the team you can talk for hours.
More 10 times Real Madrid won in Champions League and other European club competitions.
Club not once didn’t drop from the Spanish championship.
Independent assessors name Galacticos the most expensive club in the world.
Indicative value at the time of analysis reached 4.2 billion USD.
Annual income high. Club earns on selection, advertising contracts, sponsorship.
Impressive part of earnings became sale tickets for matches.
Football teams often become legendary. Players wish defend
colors of their favorite squad. Fanbase growing constantly.
Leading teams support in home country and in other countries.
Matches collect millions of TV viewers. Let’s meet popular clubs from different countries of the world.
Old Lady
“Old Signora” .
Worth report additional fact. In 1992 Manchester United founded the English Premier League.
Most successful stage got on job Alex Ferguson. Team managed to win many famous awards.
While about the past glory has only remembering.
But Manchester United still could show excellent football.
Composition first originated in 1900. During time existence
“Bayern” won nickname most famous club Germany . Account about
60 major achievements.
Currently fame came early 2010s. Squad showed
excellent football. Star of the South strengthened in the first positions in the Bundesliga.
Players managed achieve excellent results
at continental tournaments.
Club often helped other teams and ordinary people.
Several times Bavaria supported Munich 1860. Functional performed various methods
• economically attractive transfers;
• free matches;
• financial transactions.
Now aid works locally. Club attempts to transfer funds people in need.
Real Madrid
List of the leading football teams world be incomplete without Galacticos.
International organizations named this squad as the
leader of football of the last century.
The team won 65 ranks in national tournaments.
To the list get attribute 34 first places in the La Liga. Such results of other teams
does not exist.
“Real Madrid” appeared in beginning of the last century. After 18 years of existence composition gave title royal.
Leadership in Spanish football club tried to take over from the beginning.
Achieve this succeeded thanks to set reasons. The team is famous for its comprehensive approach to training.
Mentors try to focus on different parameters:
1. Physical condition of athletes.
2. Selection.
3. Tactics of action.
Meticulous work helps white take titles. About the merits of the of the team successfully talk for long.
More 10 times Galacticos won in European cup competitions.
Roster never didn’t drop from the Spanish championship. Independent researchers name Galacticos the most expensive club in the world.
Indicative value at the time of study amounted to approximately US$4 billion.
Annual income decent. Squad earns on selection, advertising, sponsorship.
Impressive income is selling tickets for matches.
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می توانید در کمتر از 3 ماه پاسپورت ترکیه دریافت دارید.
پریا نایبیان گفته: سلام سعیده عزیز ممنون از همراهی شما با خونواده
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Soccer is the known sporting discipline. the goal of the game to score
with the ball into the gates of competitors, applying all
limbs except the arms. Victory goes to the athletes scores more
goals . Football appeared in 1863. England is considered
the birthplace of football .
Soccer History
Goal-based entertainment used in BC. Game were purely for entertainment .
100 years ago the game became a student pastime. There were
no unified rules. In some countries do not handle the ball.
In a number of states, on the contrary, it was possible
to transfer by hand .
In 1846 passed a real football tournament. In England teams from five colleges met .
Students appointed a jury and came up with general requirements.
In 1857 created the first national football team.
20 years athletes from all over the world have created modern football.
Only in 1971 the rules were finally formed , adopted requirements for sports attributes.
At the same time the FA Cup was organized. In 1891
new provisions appeared. Penalty rule was approved. It
was used by as a punishment for playing not by
the rules.
How football became a famous sport
Football became really popular in 1880. The number
of cubes within the football association has reached 100 pieces .
If in the beginning it was an entertaining game , but
in the 80s, players started to get paid . The international community reacted negatively to monetary relations .
For athletes on salary were not allowed to represent the country at
major matches, and club, seen paying money, removed from association.
5 years later athletes allowed play for a reward. at the same time
the world’s first football league appeared , its members became
footballers.When football became popular
Fame came to football in 1880. The association includes more than 100 clubs.
Previously, football was an amateur sport, but in the 80s,
players started to get paid . Society did not want to accept money games.
For athletes on salary were not allowed to represent the country at major matches,
and team , breaking the rule , expelled from association .
5 years later footballers allowed to receive money for sports achievements .
In the same year created a soccer league, its members
became footballers.
In 1872 ended international football match has ended.
In it took part players from England and Scotland.
In 1904 the football association held a meeting in Paris .
Members decided change the structure of the association. So, it appeared popular company
Fifa. Initially, international meetings were called the Olympic Games.
When Fifa appeared, national tournaments began to be called
the World Cup. This is how the famous UEFA EURO games were born .
The team from Uruguay was the winner. Competitions are held once every 2
years . In 2020 Due to the Covid-19 outbreak the
competition has been rescheduled for the next year .
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Football clubs often become legendary. Athletes dream to put on uniforms of their favorite squad.
Fanbase growing constantly. Leading teams support in region of presence and rest of the world.
Games attract millions of spectators. Let’s meet legendary clubs from different
countries of the world.
“Juventus” appeared in 1897. Roster considered most titled.
About achievements it will be possible to talk hours.
In 2012 the team was named as the most famous in Italy.
Outside companies carried out own research. It was possible to find out that more than 13 million people are sick of Juventus.
The data is huge. Similar support spectators have many other leading teams none.
Football players of club often contribute charities.
Composition leads several programs:
• education;
• medical field;
• help with housing.
Old Lady overcome crises. However the club could to overcome problems.
Club featured thanks to the current situation. Team steady shows excellent results.
Players every season trying to win the championship in the English Premier League.
Total number regalia so far low. But state of affairs is improving.
Scheme development evokes exclusively flattering comments.
Manchester City helps several teams around the world.
List contains countries from Americas, Asia. Young footballers have
a chance get into the best tournament of.
Red Devils
List of best teams would stripped without Red Devils.
Indicated team has considered the most popular in the world.
Fanbase can be found in many countries:
• United States of America;
• Russia;
• “The Fifth Republic”.
Support team huge. Manchester United originated in 1878. During the existence managed overcome through different problems.
Red Devils regarded the most most clubs of of football in England .
Worth note additional fact. In 1992 Red Devils founded the
Most successful period came job Alex Ferguson. Club won different prestigious awards.
While about the past glory has only remembering. But Red Devils still be able to demonstrate excellent football.
Composition first appeared in 1900. During years existence
“Bayern” won nickname most titled club FRG. Total
about 60 significant awards.
Currently success came early 2010s. Club showed
good game. Star of the South stayed in the first positions in the Bundesliga.
Players managed achieve excellent results at European champions.
Club often helped other teams and ordinary people. Several times
Bavaria supported Munich 1860. Management performed various methods assistance:
• economically attractive transitions;
• free matches;
• direct financing.
Now aid works locally. Club attempts to transfer funds personally.
Real Madrid
List of the best football teams planet would incomplete without Real Madrid.
International organizations named this squad as the leader
of football of the last century.
The team won 65 ranks in national tournaments. To the list you can add 34 first places in the La
Liga. Similar achievements of competitors does not exist.
“Galactikos” appeared in 1902. Through 18 years of existence composition assigned title royal.
Leading positions in Spanish football roster tried to
take over from the beginning. Achieve this succeeded with the help of set factors.
The team is famous for its comprehensive approach to training process.
Mentors pay attention to on different factors:
1. Physical condition of athletes.
2. Selection.
3. Settings for the game.
Meticulous preparation allows white take titles. About the pluses of the composition successfully talk for hours.
More 10 times Real Madrid won in Champions League and other European club competitions.
Club never didn’t drop from the Spanish championship.
Independent researchers believe Real Madrid the most expensive club in the world.
Indicative value at the time of analysis reached 4.2 billion USD.
Annual income high. Club earns on selection, advertising, sponsors.
Significant part of earnings is sale seats in the stands during games.
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Football teams often become legends. Players dream to
put on uniforms of their favorite squad. Number of fans
growing constantly. Top clubs support in home country and rest of the world.
Matches collect millions of TV viewers. Let’s meet legendary
teams from different regions of the planet.
Old Lady
“Juventus” appeared in 1897. Roster became most titled.
About awards it will be possible to talk hours.
In the early 2010s the club was named as the most famous in Italy.
Outside companies performed own computation. It was possible
to establish that 13 million people are sick of Juventus.
The data is huge. Such support football fans have majority
other giants don’t meet.
Football players of club often help charities. Composition leads different
• education;
• medical field;
• help with housing.
Old Lady experienced declines. But the club
managed pass challenges.
Manchester City
Club appeared in the list because of the today situation. Team confidently shows excellent results.
Players year after year trying to win the championship in the English Premier
League. Total number awards so far low. But state of
affairs developing in a positive direction.
Model work evokes only praise. City helps many clubs from different
parts of the world. List includes countries
from Americas, Asian region. Beginners athletes have a chance
to break into into the best tournament the planet.
Red Devils
List of leading teams would stripped without Manchester United.
Indicated team has considered the most popular in the world.
Fanbase can be found in many countries:
• USA;
• Russian Federation;
• France.
Help club huge. Red Devils squad appeared late 1870s.
During the history succeeded pass through many obstacles.
Red Devils regarded the most most clubs history of English football in England .
Must report additional fact. In 1992 Red Devils founded the APL.
Most successful period got on job Alex Ferguson. Team managed to win different prestigious titles.
At the moment about the past glory remains only remembering.
But Manchester United still be able to show good play.
Club first time originated in 1900. During years development “Star of the South” achieved nickname
most famous club FRG. Account about 60 significant awards.
Currently success came 2012. Club demonstrated good game.
Bayern strengthened in the first positions in the Bundesliga.
Football players managed achieve excellent
results at continental champions.
Club often supported other teams and ordinary people.
Several times Star of the South supported Munich 1860.
Functional implemented various options assistance:
• economically attractive transfers;
• friendly games;
• direct financing.
Now aid works locally. Team strives help personally.
Real Madrid
List of the leading football clubs world be incomplete without Galacticos.
International organizations recognized this squad as the
leader of football of the last century.
The team won 65 ranks national class. To the list you can add 34 championships in the La Liga.
Similar results of other teams does not exist.
“Galactikos” originated in 1902. After 18 years of existence
composition gave title royal.
Leading positions in Spanish football roster tried to
take over from the beginning. Achieve this
succeeded thanks to set factors. The team is famous for its
comprehensive approach to training process. Coaches try to focus
on different parameters:
1. Shape of football players.
2. The procedure for selecting players for the team.
3. Settings for the game.
Meticulous preparation allows creamy take titles.
About the merits of the of the team you can talk for long.
More 10 times Real Madrid won in European cup competitions.
Roster not once didn’t leave from the national championship of the country.
Independent assessors name Real Madrid the most expensive club
in the world. Approximate price at the time of analysis reached approximately US$4
Annual income high. Squad earns on resale of players, advertising, sponsorship.
Impressive income is sale tickets for matches.
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Soccer is the known sporting discipline. the main rule hit the ball into
the gates of opponents, using all limbs except the arms.
Victory goes to the athletes who made more throws.
Football was recognized as a professional sport in 1863 .
The game originated in the UK.
Soccer History
Ball games appeared in BC. Game were amusement and entertainment.
100 years ago played only by students. There were no general rules.
In some countries it was strictly forbidden to touch the ball with your hands .
In a number of states, on the contrary, it was possible to transfer by hand .
In 1846 organized first soccer competition . In England several universities have agreed to play together.
Players selected arbitrators and established uniform rules .
In 1857 the first professional club of Sheffield was established .
20 years athletes from all over the world have created modern football.
Only in 1971 approved the regulations, the size of the goal
and the structure of the ball were approved .
At the same time the first football matches in the framework of
the FA Cup took place . In 1891 new provisions appeared.
The term “Penalty” appeared . The throw was appointed as a
punishment for playing not by the rules.
How football became a famous sport
Fame came to football in 1880. The association includes more than 100 clubs.
Previously, football was an amateur sport, but in the 80s, players started to get paid .
The international community reacted negatively to
monetary relations . For athletes on salary were not allowed to
represent the country at major matches, and
club, seen paying money, expelled from association .
In 1885 players allowed to receive money for
sports achievements . at the same time the world’s first football league appeared , its members became footballers.
popularization of football
Fame came to football in 1880. The number of cubes
within the football association has reached 100 pieces .
Previously, football was an amateur sport, but in the 80s, players started
to get paid . The international community reacted negatively
to monetary relations . For athletes on salary banned from representing
the country in national competitions , and club, seen paying money, removed from association.
5 years later athletes allowed play for a reward. at
the same time created a soccer league, calling its players
professional workers .
In 1872 ended international football match has ended.
In match competed athletes from England and Scotland.
In 1904 the football association held a meeting in Paris .
Members made a decision to reorganize the organization .
So, it appeared popular company Fifa. Initially, the national games were called the Olympic Games.
With the advent of Fifa . The tournament is
now called the YEFA Cup. Uruguay is the first to win the Fifa Cup .
Competitions are held once every 2 years . In 2020 due to the global pandemic
the competition has been rescheduled for the next year .
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Football teams often become legendary. Athletes wish
to put on uniforms of their favorite squad. Fanbase increasing constantly.
Top teams support in home country and in other
countries. Games collect millions of TV viewers.
Let’s meet legendary teams from different regions of the planet.
“Old Signora” .
Must report another fact. In 1992 Red Devils founded the APL.
Most successful period got on job Alex Ferguson. Team won many famous awards.
At the moment about the past glory has only dreaming.
But Red Devils still be able to show excellent
Club first appeared in early last century. During years development “Bayern” won nickname most famous team Germany .
Account about 60 major achievements.
In recent years fame started from early 2010s.
Squad demonstrated excellent football. Star of the South stayed
in the leading positions in the national championship.
Players managed achieve great results at continental champions.
Roster often helped other teams and ordinary
people. Often Star of the South supported Munich 1860.
Functional implemented various methods assistance:
• profitable transitions;
• friendly games;
• direct financing.
Recently aid works addressed. Club attempts to help people in need.
Real Madrid
List of the leading football clubs planet be stripped down without Galacticos.
International organizations recognized this squad as the leader
of football of the last century.
The team achieved 65 ranks in national tournaments.
To the list you can add 34 championships in the La Liga.
Such results of other teams does not exist.
“Galactikos” originated in 1902. After 18 years of work team assigned title royal.
Leading positions in local football roster tried to take over at the
dawn of existence. Achieve this succeeded thanks to set reasons.
The team is famous for its comprehensive approach to training.
Coaches try to focus on several parameters:
1. Shape of football players.
2. The procedure for selecting players for the team.
3. Settings for the game.
Meticulous preparation helps white win championships. About the pluses of the composition successfully talk for hours.
More 10 times Real Madrid won in Champions
League and other European club competitions.
Roster not once didn’t leave from the Spanish championship.
Independent researchers name Real Madrid the most expensive club in the on the planet.
Approximate price at the time of study reached approximately US$4 billion.
Annual income high. Club earns on resale of players, advertising contracts,
sponsorship. Impressive part of earnings is selling tickets for matches.
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Football clubs often become legends. Athletes dream to put on uniforms of their favorite squad.
Number of fans increasing inexorably. Top clubs support in home country and rest of the world.
Matches collect millions of spectators. Introduce popular teams from different regions of the planet.
Old Lady
“Old Signora” .
Worth note another fact. In 1992 Red Devils founded the English Premier League.
Most successful stage got on coaching Alex Ferguson. Club won different prestigious titles.
While about the past glory remains only remembering. However Manchester United still could demonstrate good play.
Club first originated in early last century. During time development “Star of the South” won nickname most titled club
FRG. Account about 60 major awards.
In recent years fame started from early 2010s. Squad demonstrated excellent football.
Bayern stayed in the first lines in the Bundesliga. Players were able to achieve great
results at European champions.
Club often helped other teams and ordinary people. Often Star of the South supported Munich 1860.
Management implemented various methods support:
• economically attractive transitions;
• free matches;
• financial transactions.
Now support works addressed. Club strives help personally.
Real Madrid
List of the best football teams planet would stripped down without Real Madrid.
International organizations named this squad as the leader of football of
the last century.
The team achieved 65 ranks national class. To the list get attribute 34 championships in the Spain championship.
Similar achievements of competitors no.
“Galactikos” appeared in beginning of the last century.
After 18 years of work composition assigned title royal.
Leadership in Spanish football club began to take over at the dawn of existence.
Achieve this succeeded thanks to several reasons.
The team is renowned for its comprehensive approach to training.
Mentors pay attention to on different factors:
1. Physical condition of athletes.
2. The procedure for selecting players for the team.
3. Tactics of action.
Meticulous preparation helps white win championships.
About the pluses of the of the team successfully talk
for hours. More 10 times Real Madrid won in European cup
Roster never didn’t leave from the national championship of the country.
Independent researchers believe Real Madrid the most expensive club in the on the planet.
Indicative value at the time of study reached 4.2 billion USD.
Annual income high. Squad earns on resale of players, advertising, sponsors.
Significant income is sale seats in the stands during
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Soccer is the known kind of sport. the goal of the game to score
with the ball into the gates of the opposing team’s,
using in this case all limbs except the arms. Victory wins
the team that scores more goals . Football was recognized as a
professional sport in 1863 . The game originated in the UK.
Soccer History
Ball games appeared in ancient Greece, Rome, and China. tournaments were purely for entertainment .
in the 20th century the game became a student
pastime. There were no general rules. In some countries
do not handle the ball. Somewhere it was allowed to throw the ball with the fingers.
In 1846 passed first soccer competition . In England teams
from five colleges met . Students appointed a jury and came up with
general requirements. In 1857 the first professional club of Sheffield was established .
20 years athletes from all over the world have created modern football.
Only in 1971 the rules were finally formed , the size of the goal and the structure of the ball were approved .
At the same time the FA Cup was organized.
In 1891 new provisions appeared. The term “Penalty” appeared .
The throw was appointed as a punishment for playing not
by the rules.
popularization of football
Fame came to football in 1880. The association includes more than 100 clubs.
Previously, football was an amateur sport, since 1981 there have been rumors that the players are
getting money. The international community reacted negatively to monetary relations
. For athletes those receiving money were not allowed to represent the country at major matches,
and club, seen paying money, expelled from association .
5 years later players allowed play for a reward. In the same year
created a soccer league, its members became footballers.
How football became a famous sport
Football became really popular in 1880. The association includes more than 100 clubs.
If in the beginning it was an entertaining game , but in the 80s, players started to get paid .
Society did not want to accept money games. For players those receiving money were not
allowed to represent the country at major matches, and team , breaking the rule , removed from association.
In 1885 footballers allowed to receive money for sports
achievements . In the same year the world’s first football league
appeared , calling its players professional workers .
In 1872 ended national football tournament has ended.
In it competed athletes from England and Scotland.
In 1904 the football association held a meeting in Paris .
Members decided change the structure of the association. So, it appeared the famous Fifa .
Initially, international meetings were called the
Olympic Games. With the advent of Fifa . The tournament is now called the YEFA
Cup. Uruguay is the first to win the Fifa Cup .
The tournament takes place every 2 years.
In 2020 Due to the Covid-19 outbreak the competition has been rescheduled for
the next year .
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Soccer is the known kind of sport. the main rule to score with the ball into the gates of competitors,
applying all limbs except the arms. Victory wins the
team that scores more goals . Football appeared in 1863.
England is considered the birthplace of football .
Soccer History
Goal-based entertainment used in BC. Game were amusement and entertainment.
100 years ago the game became a student pastime.
There were no general rules. Somewhere it was strictly forbidden to touch the ball with your hands .
In a number of states, on the contrary, it was possible to transfer by hand .
In 1846 held a real football tournament. In the UK teams from five colleges met .
Students selected arbitrators and established uniform rules .
In 1857 created the first national football team.
20 years negotiations in the world sports association .
Only in 1971 approved the regulations,
adopted requirements for sports attributes. In the
same year the first football matches in the framework of the FA Cup took place .
In 1891 new provisions appeared. Penalty rule was approved.
The throw was appointed as a punishment for playing not by the rules.
popularization of football
Football became really popular in 1880.
The number of cubes within the football association has reached 100 pieces .
Previously, football was an amateur sport, since 1981 there have been rumors that the players are getting
money. Society did not want to accept money games.
For footballers on salary were not allowed to represent the country at major matches, and team , seen paying money, removed from association.
In 1885 players allowed to receive money for sports achievements .
at the same time the world’s first football league appeared , calling
its players professional workers . popularization of football
Football became really popular in 1880. The association includes more than 100 clubs.
Previously, football was an amateur sport, since 1981 there have been rumors that
the players are getting money. Society did not want to accept
money games. For athletes on salary were not allowed to represent the country at major matches, and club,
breaking the rule , removed from association. In 1885 athletes
allowed to receive money for sports achievements
. at the same time created a soccer league, calling its players professional workers .
In 1872 the first international football tournament has ended.
In match competed players from England and Scotland.
In 1904 the football association called a convention in France.
Members of the Association decided change the structure of the association. So, it appeared the famous Fifa .
Initially, international meetings were called the Olympic
Games. With the advent of Fifa . This is how the famous
UEFA EURO games were born . The team from Uruguay was
the winner. The tournament takes place every
2 years. In 2020 due to the global pandemic the competition has been rescheduled for the next year .
Gambling can be of several types, with each type requiring its legal structure.
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Gambling can be of many types, with every type requiring its legal arrangement.
In Nevada, for instance, there is what’s called a”suit.” A suit is an agreement or a
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Soccer is the known sporting discipline.
the main rule hit the ball into the gates of the opposing team’s, applying any
part of the body except the arms. the win goes to the athletes who made more throws.
Football was recognized as a professional sport in 1863 .
The game originated in the UK.
Soccer History
Ball games used in ancient Greece, Rome, and China.
Game were amusement and entertainment. 100 years ago played
only by students. There were no unified rules.
Somewhere it was strictly forbidden to touch the ball with your hands .
Somewhere it was allowed to throw the ball with the fingers.
In 1846 held a real football tournament.
In the UK teams from five colleges met .
Students selected arbitrators and established uniform rules .
In 1857 the first professional club of Sheffield was established .
20 years athletes from all over the world have created modern football.
Only in 1971 the rules were finally formed , adopted requirements for sports attributes.
In the same year the first football matches in the framework of
the FA Cup took place . In 1891 new provisions appeared.
The term “Penalty” appeared . The throw was
appointed as a penalty for breaking the game rules .
When football became popular
Football became really popular in 1880. The association includes more than 100 clubs.
Previously, football was an amateur sport, but in the 80s, players started to
get paid . The international community reacted negatively to monetary relations .
For footballers those receiving money banned from representing the country
in national competitions , and team , breaking the rule , removed from association. In 1885 players allowed
to receive money for sports achievements . at the same time created a soccer league,
its members became footballers. popularization of football
Football became really popular in 1880. The association includes more than 100 clubs.
Previously, football was an amateur sport, since 1981 there have been rumors
that the players are getting money. Society did not
want to accept money games. For footballers those receiving money banned from representing the
country in national competitions , and team , breaking the rule ,
removed from association. 5 years later athletes allowed to
receive money for sports achievements . at the same time the world’s
first football league appeared , calling its players professional workers .
In 1872 the first international football tournament has ended.
In it took part athletes from England and Scotland. In 1904
the football association held a meeting in Paris .
Members of the Association decided to change the structure of the association.
So they created popular company Fifa. Initially, international meetings were called the Olympic Games.
With the advent of Fifa . The tournament is now called the
YEFA Cup. Uruguay is the first to win the Fifa Cup .
The tournament takes place every 2 years. In 2020 Due to the Covid-19 outbreak
the game has been canceled for the first time.
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